Browsing: Ethereum

Community and EducationAkomba Education InitiativeOn-chain certification framework, and development of modular learning resources and accredited courses using this and EducationCougerEducational initiative creating working groups and…

Can’t travel these days Miss the people, not the planes Spadina, not Spain tl;dr Spadina “dress rehearsal” just around the corner We realize that both the…

πŸ“£ Last chance to practice genesis before mainnet πŸ“£ tl;dr Announcing Spadina Launchpad As of today, the Spadina Launchpad is live πŸŽ‰ If you are unfamiliar…

Oh you, Spadina, Finally, finality Hello and farewell tl;dr A quick Spadina postmortemNew testnet: Zinken. Launchpad is live; Genesis deposits due in one week! Spadina Postmortem…

Contract deployment Genesis deposits Bootstrap consensus tl;dr v1.0 specs released πŸš€ v1.0 spec release Today, we released v1.0 of the eth2 specs, including the mainnet deposit…

tl;dr This week the EF announced the Eth2 Staking Community Grants round in an effort to support a more delightful staking experience. This is an open…